Thursday, January 20, 2011


Interesting history fact discovered today: Today's date in 1949, J. Edgar Hoover gives Shirley Temple a tear gas pen. Now here's the question: why? Was it gift? Isn't that like giving a five year old kid firecrackers? Or maybe he was planning to kill her. Wasn't this same thing considered by the CIA to get rid of Castro during the 60's?

Imagine: she's rehearsing for a movie in which the scene calls for her to pick up a pen and write a letter, all the while singing to herself.

"On the Good Ship, Lollypop AKKKKKKKKK!!!!" pssssssssssssssss!!!

I've been on numerous trivia sites, plus even her own, and can't find the reason. Considering what a fucking tyrant/dictator/cross dresser Hoover was, I'm going with the theory that he was trying to eliminate her for being what he suspected a commie subversive (most likely this came from Joe McCarthy).

It's been a Weird World since time began, never boring, but always Weird.

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