Sunday, January 23, 2011


I have to ask myself "why do I watch this show if it makes me feel so bad, angry, sad" etc. One reason could be - and probably is - is that I like feeling that way, but I think the other is seeing that these strozone owners get their pets taken away from them, and that the animals are given a second chance.

It seems that the brunt of neglect and abuse falls on dogs and horses, and one has to think "wait a minute. Don't people realize how much money and attention need to be paid to horses?" C'mon! Who doesn't get this? They somehow get their hands on a horse, toss it in the backyard and feed it whenever they feel like it - which results in malnutrition and a host of other illnesses caused by said condition. They have to be exercised, they have to have their hooves and shoes taken care of! They must be visited by a veteran every so often! Jesus!

And the poor dogs! Holy crap! Pit bull after pit bull after pit bull. I worked with someone who had one, got pissed that the dog wasn't an aggressive fighter, and promptly got rid of it. He didn't say how he did this, though. I didn't ask.

And cats! Always left behind by someone. Or, the victims of hoarders. Disgusting! I watched an episode where hundreds of cats were removed from someone's house, and not all of them were alive. Mummified remains under the goddamned TV! Week old kittens whose mother is malnourished and can't feed them. And mountains of cat shit! Then there was the woman who kept four kittens outside - in a fucking birdcage!

I don't know how the ASPCA officers handle their job. I just don't.

Best for last: this guy had literally 1000's of domestic pet rats in his house. 1000's! They freakin' destroyed his house. In the walls, a nest under the bathtub, in the cabinets, in the cupboards holy shit!

I wonder if there are people who consciously hoard cockroaches. I've cleaned a few apartments in my day, and the fact that the little fuckers came over on the Mayflower - couch that is - leads me to believe this may be a fact. Some people don't mind "living" with them.

I always liked the credit at the end of the movie "Creepshow", where it reads "cockroach wrangler". YEE-HAHH!


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