Sunday, January 23, 2011


I have to ask myself "why do I watch this show if it makes me feel so bad, angry, sad" etc. One reason could be - and probably is - is that I like feeling that way, but I think the other is seeing that these strozone owners get their pets taken away from them, and that the animals are given a second chance.

It seems that the brunt of neglect and abuse falls on dogs and horses, and one has to think "wait a minute. Don't people realize how much money and attention need to be paid to horses?" C'mon! Who doesn't get this? They somehow get their hands on a horse, toss it in the backyard and feed it whenever they feel like it - which results in malnutrition and a host of other illnesses caused by said condition. They have to be exercised, they have to have their hooves and shoes taken care of! They must be visited by a veteran every so often! Jesus!

And the poor dogs! Holy crap! Pit bull after pit bull after pit bull. I worked with someone who had one, got pissed that the dog wasn't an aggressive fighter, and promptly got rid of it. He didn't say how he did this, though. I didn't ask.

And cats! Always left behind by someone. Or, the victims of hoarders. Disgusting! I watched an episode where hundreds of cats were removed from someone's house, and not all of them were alive. Mummified remains under the goddamned TV! Week old kittens whose mother is malnourished and can't feed them. And mountains of cat shit! Then there was the woman who kept four kittens outside - in a fucking birdcage!

I don't know how the ASPCA officers handle their job. I just don't.

Best for last: this guy had literally 1000's of domestic pet rats in his house. 1000's! They freakin' destroyed his house. In the walls, a nest under the bathtub, in the cabinets, in the cupboards holy shit!

I wonder if there are people who consciously hoard cockroaches. I've cleaned a few apartments in my day, and the fact that the little fuckers came over on the Mayflower - couch that is - leads me to believe this may be a fact. Some people don't mind "living" with them.

I always liked the credit at the end of the movie "Creepshow", where it reads "cockroach wrangler". YEE-HAHH!


Thursday, January 20, 2011


Interesting history fact discovered today: Today's date in 1949, J. Edgar Hoover gives Shirley Temple a tear gas pen. Now here's the question: why? Was it gift? Isn't that like giving a five year old kid firecrackers? Or maybe he was planning to kill her. Wasn't this same thing considered by the CIA to get rid of Castro during the 60's?

Imagine: she's rehearsing for a movie in which the scene calls for her to pick up a pen and write a letter, all the while singing to herself.

"On the Good Ship, Lollypop AKKKKKKKKK!!!!" pssssssssssssssss!!!

I've been on numerous trivia sites, plus even her own, and can't find the reason. Considering what a fucking tyrant/dictator/cross dresser Hoover was, I'm going with the theory that he was trying to eliminate her for being what he suspected a commie subversive (most likely this came from Joe McCarthy).

It's been a Weird World since time began, never boring, but always Weird.

Friday, January 14, 2011


An interesting alternate theory to global warming: all of those - and these - years of nuclear testing. Why not? Too many to count, for Christ's sake. Then again, I never actually counted because I'd probably get weirded out by it and then lobby against nuke testing but it doesn't matter because I can't afford the lobby, let alone the hotel.

Anyway, rambling aside, there's a passage in the Stephen King story "The Mist", where he makes reference to nuclear testing throwing the planet's atmosphere into turmoil; however, it's spoken of as a conspiracy theory of sorts. Eh! Just another one for the books.

Here's the new slogan:
Going Green costs too much green.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


"It keeps the poor man poor" - unknown.

What would you do? Just what would you do? You're numbers are picked! You hit the big time! What's the next course of action? Most people do this: blow it all, no matter how big the amount; right through it, in a matter of years. I think it's because players don't really expect to win that this happens. I can't picture it. Millions of dollars right out the window. The numbers are staggering. Is it some kind of contest to see who can lose it the quickest?

Just what the fuck would you do? People always say "put it in the bank and live off of the interest" but then what's the sense of having won the money in the first place? You let it sit in the bank? Besides, I think the temptation to get at it would be too much for one to resist.

14 Cadillacs, 10 mansions, gold tiled swimming pool. Who the hell needs all them things? Simplify: instead of Cadillacs, buy a limo and hire a driver full time. You got all that money! Why should you drive yourself - anywhere? A big house is okay; maybe two. I'd get three: a nice condo in Manhattan, a place in the Hamptons, and one in Europe. Or better still, luxury cruise ships sell condos. You can travel all over the world and never leave home.

But key here is get a lawyer - or a law firm, and then hire a private investigator or someone who can sporadically audit your books for any misappropriations, and pay them more than the law firm!

Then invest. Safe stocks here, CD's there, high risk over here, maybe even engineer a hostile takeover. Real estate. Put the money to work for you so you don't ever have to go to work again.

And if you get married, get that pre-nup or don't get married at all. If you're already married, don't get divorced! Remember your spouse gets half. Of everything!

Then you got your personal stuff: take care of your family, pay for their college, etc. Me, I'd buy a compound like the Corleone family had in "The Godfather" so all can be together. (Then again, that type of thing might be something that will drive the family apart).

Christ! $225 million! Jesus that's a lotta dough! Another idea: get it all in cash and stuff it away in an underground chamber just like Scrooge McDuck.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


From olfactory memory, here are (or were, as it were, as it were) my nonfavorite ales, lagers, pils', etc.

Right off the bat? Moosehead from Canada. Skunk ale. Tasted like Pepe Le'Pew farted right inside of the bottle. I bet actual moose piss tastes better than this. Gives moosesess everywhere a bad name.

Molson Golden (see above).

Tuborg. This is probably what witch potion tastes like. Just too much stuff that can't be identified. No presence of hops or malt.

Meisterbrau: water has more hops and malt to it than this shit.

Matt's Premium. Premium what? Gasoline?!

Budweiser. There's just something to it that just doesn't taste like beer is supposed to. Sour ginger ale, with more carbonation than ginger ale. Michelob tastes the same but with more skunk to it.

Stroh's is pretty nasty. Skunk odor, skunk taste, and skunk aftertaste that lingers for three weeks afterwards.

What, no imports you ask? Grolsch from Holland; watered down witch piss, again with too many unidentifiable ingredients. No presence of hops or malt. Never drink beer whose name sounds like the noise you make before the vomit hits the floor - or the toilet.

Finally, there was this stuff from Norway called Hansa Fjord. It embraced all of the elements from above: skunk smell, skunk taste, skunk aftertaste, gasoline pallet, strange witch brew, and sour ginger ale. Passed through gas the tank of a 65 Fjord Fairlane.

To this day, I can't understand the widespread appeal of Budweiser. I just don't get it!


Monday, January 3, 2011


For some reason - maybe out of curiosity - I was on the web last night checking to see what beer was deemed 'worst in the world'. Now, I'm not planning on going back to drinking; no way, but since the industry has changed so much since I stopped, I wanted to see what was what.

Top of the list - according to - is Natural Light. This site supposedly consists of expert tasters, but there are a few wise asses who post their so called 'opinions', but their ratings aren't taken into consideration. But I digress.

Funny that I don't remember drinking Natural Light. It either didn't make much of an impression or, I was already shitfaced when I tried it. Most of the big industry light beers got lame ratings; guess it really is the alcohol content that counts. Then again, if that were true, the malt liquors would be high on the lists (which of course they aren't).

A lot of the Big Breweries have been doing something weird for the past ten or so years: they're flavoring the beer with bizarro shit. Budweiser makes one called Chelada, which is mixed with Clamato. Fucking Clamato? What the fuck is that all about? Just the thought of it is nauseating, let alone the picture of it: red tomato colored thing with a foamy beer head on top. Plus clams in the mix? Blecchh! Is this an attempt to shove all the food elements of a picnic or party into one can? What's next? Bud with lobster tail juice? Miller with oyster bits floating about in the solution? Phew!

Then I did a flip about and checked which beers were deemed the best in the world. As I expected, a lot of them were micro brews. Funny names too, and the top rated beer in the world is called Three Floyds Dark Lord Russian Imperial Stout made in Munster, Indiana (how about that image: Grandpa Munster standing over this bubbling cauldron stirring it with a row boat paddle and when he takes it out, it's burned). Russian Imperial Stout. The Dark Lord title also gives off an image of the devil or Rasputin standing over the cauldron, tossing body parts and bats into the mix.

In any event, it's supposed to be an excellent beer but I ain't gonna try it. I've addressed this ad nauseum, but my drinking days are over. Besides, that shit is supposed to be very expensive.

Stay tuned for part 2 of this poor grammar bad sentence structure blog called "Beers of The Past".