Sunday, November 14, 2010


Is there such a thing as infinite? Don't you have to measure it by something finite, therefore creating the infinite finite?

"In the beginning..."

When I was a kid, I always imagined God sitting in front of this infinite blank page, his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees: thinking, as it were. He's wearing a dark robe, has an official Monk haircut and a long, scraggly ZZ Top beard.

But just think of it: Something coming from nothing. Not possible. There's always the question "well, where did God come from?" Did He just pop out of nothing? He just popped out! From nothing! If that's true, then who created the nothing? Certainly nothing didn't create itself, for if that was so, then something would have had to create nothing! Then that would mean there is no such thing as nothing! Which then creates the question " where did God come from?" He had to have come from something!

And that's the thought for this crappy, Sunday afternoon.

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