Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Okay, let's say that does exist. Then how the fuck are you going to remember who you were in a past life? ( other than that past life reading shit ) If you truly can't remember who you were ( come on, face it, no one can) well...

I was watching "Angel Heart", and at the end of the movie, Mickey Rourke finds out he was a victim of a soul switching voodoo spell. Robert DeNiro, as the devil, tells him "you've been living in another man's memories". Think about that for a while. Your "real" self is living in someone else's memories. Then where are the memories of your "real" self? And how do you locate them?

Chew on this for awhile: could it be possible that your "real self" is also living in someone else's memories? It could go around and around and around.

I'm no student of Buddhism, but I heard someone say that, to find Nirvana, you have to "get off the wheel". How the fuck do you do that? When you stop living in someone else's memories? When you find your "true self"?

And afterwards, what do you do when you find your "true self"? What are you supposed to do then? I imagine you'd be sitting in blank nothingness, like The Boob in "Yellow Submarine", with a typewriter and typing out nonsense which, although it sounds scientific, is absolute double talk Dadaism.

I think about weird shit like that.

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