Monday, November 1, 2010


Soon, I may have to do it; ride the bus to my DX appointments. I wouldn't have a problem with it if I weren't disabled, but...

In order to do this, I would have to walk one block uphill (using a walker ), get on the bus ( which, as everyone knows is never never on time; I don't care what anyone says), ride downtown (which is the major hub; you wanna get somewhere, you gotta go downtown) transfer to another bus, then hope to Christ you get to your appointment on time.

I was - was being the operative word - qualified for Medical Transportation. Now for some fucking reason they pulled it, saying that my DX has to sign off for it. The response I got was "can't you ride the bus"? Well, yes I can ride the bus providing that someone takes me to the goddamned bus stop!

I didn't ask to be disabled. More than anything I wished the shit would just stop; to just fucking go away. How does that work anyway? Who do I wish to? What, I gotta go to one of them wishing wells and throw a quarter in, or maybe one of the fountains in one of the local malls but I'd still have to ride the bus to get there!

Getting back to it, I didn't ask for this shit. Like my father says "it is what it is".

If I was in shape, yes I'd ride the bus but if I was in shape I'd still be goddamned working and had enough money to own a fucking car!

And I don't care what anyone says: waiting for the bus in rotten weather is the rottenest; even the hardcore bus riders will tell you that.

I wonder if I'm being a baby. Maybe so, but let them ( the infamous 'them', who thwart everything) get up in the morning with spasms so bad you wonder if this is the day that you finally won't be able to walk anymore. Let them make their bed, only to lay back down on it because of the spasms caused by said chore.

Tell ya one thing: this Thursday, my DX is gonna get a goddamned earful - which may fall on deaf ones, seeing as he barely speaks English. A topic for another entry.

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