Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sicilian Broccoli

No, not a recipe - although I'm sure one exists.

I came across a very amusing site that addressed how the Italian language of immigrants from the early part of the last century absorbed many English words into their vocabulary. This got me thinking of how, when I would ask my father how to say something in Italian, he would do one of four things:

1) give the proper Italian word
2) give the Sicilian dialect version of the standard
3) come up with an entirely different word or
4) give the above mentioned Sicilian-English mashup.

The correct Italian word for the vegetable pictured is 'broccoli', pronounced as it is read, accent on the first syllable. However, my dad - and one of his sisters - used #3 on the hit charts for this: smozzatudda, pronounced 'smoe- tzah - TOO - dah'.

Many more posts to come on this phenomenon as memory serves.

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