Thursday, April 16, 2009


cuz facebook don't have no blog feature. This feels like I'm doing a news feed from overseas, like the pirate boats off Somalia saga.

Anyway, I was looking at pix of America's Loneliest Highway, US Highway 50, which is a long stretch of nothingness between Utah and Nevada. It looks like some of Easy Rider was shot along that road. Maybe not. I didn't read any of the articles posted. I was just looking at the pix for inspiration of short story/novel/novella/movie script idea. I wrote a few film scripts but I have too much of a vision in my head as to how it should look. I would want to be the director, the director of photography and all other positions associated with placing the scenes inside the little boxes. I'd also want to be the set director. And pick the players: the casting whatever ya call it!Visions visions visions!

So, the only way I can do it (well, I'm not saying that I expertly do it, I mean, I do it, but as to whether it's good or not I can't tell. To me, it's something just to keep my mind off of pain, anguish, depression etc...the tortured, I know, I know!)

Anyway, the only way I can do it  is through writing fuction, I mean, fiction.

Finally got around to watching The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger was great. He deserved more screen time than he had.  I wasn't crazy about the rest of it The movie that should be made is one where  Christian Bale not only loses his temper on set, but loses his mind as well; brainwashed by extreme method acting.

Anyway, the only superhero movie I liked was Iron Man. Mickey Rourke has signed on to the project to play the villain, which should be interesting. Of course I'll have to wait for the DVD release. Or be one of those whackos who download the movie off some pirate (Somalia) site.


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